PRESENTS:HANDS ON Custom Education for Your Staff Up to 8 Stylist.
Price Per Person $250.00
Specifically Focused, Personal Education for up to 8 Stylist at a time. Working Hands on with Mannequins in the SHEARPOLICE Training Facility.
Take advantage of education and build confidence in your team by focusing on expanding your education and skill set with SHEARPOLICE Custom Education!
Formatted Education
•Basic Cutting and Styling with Texture
•Advanced Cutting & Styling with Texture
•Basic Color Your Cut
•Advanced Color Your Cut
•Foil Placement with Purpose
•Foil Placement Teasy Lights and The Money Piece.
•Building a Better Salon Guest Experiences
•The Power of Consultation
All Education Is Hosted at
J.Roberts Salon / SHEARPOLICE Training Facility or within your own salon. (Location approval required)
SHEARPOLICE is located at 129 Campbell Ave SE Roanoke,Va
The Class time will be on the Selected day you choose from from 10:00am until 4:00 pm allowing 1 hour for lunch. (Lunch Included)
All Mannequins, TriPods and products will be provided.
What to Bring: Shears, Combs, Clips, Blowdryers Pen & Paper.
Please Contact J ROBERTS @ 919-306-0062 for more info or Email INFO@SHEARPOLICE.COM